Does Your Healthcare Plan Have the Potential To Be a Game Changer? - main content

Does Your Healthcare Plan Have the Potential To Be a Game Changer?

Supercharging Your Plan Design to Bring You the Future of Healthcare Now, While Lowering Your Costs

The quality of healthcare in the United States seems to be nosediving, as latest polls indicate increasing levels of dissatisfaction among Americans. For the first time in Gallup’s two-decade trend, less than half of Americans are complimentary about the quality of U.S. healthcare, with an increasing percentage of people rating it as “poor.”


These deteriorating numbers highlight the need for supercharging your healthcare plans to include coverage for new treatments and targeted therapies. Access to this level of revolutionary care may help in enhancing the health outcomes of your employees, while reducing overall healthcare costs. Unfortunately, the standard health insurance plan designs have not changed much over the decades and this stagnation may prevent adaptation and coverage of the latest advancements in healthcare, including personalized medicine (PM), also known as precision medicine.

Scientific studies indicate that personalized medicine has the potential to transform medical interventions by providing effective, tailored therapeutic strategies based on the genomic, epigenomic and proteomic profile of an individual, whilst also remaining mindful of a patient's personal situation.

Plans Designed by Clinicians Specializing in Personalized Medicine

The power of PM lies not only in treatment, but in prevention as well, and Envita Health™, a Managed Service Organization (MSO) offers health plans designed by clinicians, who have been practicing personalized medicine for over two decades. These revolutionary plan designs provide coverage for the latest breakthroughs in the innovative field of personalized medicine, without compromising on your existing healthcare benefits.

Personalized medicine is considered expensive because targeted treatment plans are developed for each individual patient based on detailed genetic testing and analysis of biomarkers and molecular profiles. However, Envita Health™ plan designs offset the costs because they are based on the expertise of healthcare providers specializing in PM, with over two decades of experience in treating late-stage cancers and chronic diseases at Envita Medical Centers. Their extensive clinical experience has led them to develop proprietary algorithms, which not only helps with accurate diagnosis and treatment but also enhances the affordability of precision personalized treatments. This novel approach to patient care, based on various leading indicators of health, including their genetic makeup, is in stark contrast to the one-size-fits-all conventional treatments in the existing healthcare system.

Clinical Experience in Improving Outcomes and Reducing Costs With Personalized Care

Envita’s costs are 3rd party actuarially certified to be 50% less than standard oncology while providing better integrative precision technology, underscoring their doctors’ abilities in expertly navigating this emerging field of medicine. The advantages of personalized medicine are not limited to the area of oncology, which is the top driver of employer healthcare costs, but it also proves beneficial in the prevention and treatment of various other conditions, such as cardiovascular diseases, musculoskeletal, and mental health issues.

Coverage for Personalized Medicine Can Be a Game Changer

Envita’s expertise in personalized medicine has been built into the customizable plan designs of this nationwide network, which provides coverage for standard conventional as well as integrative treatment options. Addressing the following factors by utilizing personalized medicine options can be a gamechanger in transforming your employee outcomes, while reducing your costs:

Access to More Effective Treatments

Personalized precision medicine integrating the latest in conventional as well alternative medicine allows each plan member to get access to the most appropriate treatment options, based on their health records, family history, genetic, epigenetic, and other contributing factors. Research shows that developing more efficient ways of developing personalized medicines is crucial to meet the demands of all patients, which is the sole focus of Envita Health™ plans.

Custom-developing treatment protocols for each individual patient based on their unique needs and core trigger factors have proved effective even in late-stage cancer patients, many of whom were refractory to care in other noted cancer specialty facilities. The personalized treatment protocols custom developed by the Envita team of oncologists, interventional radiologists, and naturopaths, emerged as gamechangers in this equation. These precision treatments are designed to target the disease in real-time, while also treating the causes responsible for triggering the mutations leading to the growth of the disease. Prescribing personalized treatment options in early-stage cancers helps to check chances of recurrence and metastasis, which in turn reduces overall healthcare costs.

With Envita Health™, your employees can get access to this elevated level of comprehensive care for the treatment of all types of diseases, as personalized medicine lies at the core of the plan designs. For instance, Envita’s coverage of regenerative medicine including stem cell therapy and other biologic treatments may help certain patients avoid invasive surgeries, like shoulder or knee replacement surgeries. Such potential alternatives not only help in faster recovery at lower costs, but it also eliminates the risk of side effects, like impact to the immune system caused by invasive surgeries.

Reducing Chances of Side Effects and Life-Threatening Consequences

Our prescription drugs are the third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer. Around half of those who die have taken their drugs correctly; the other half die because of errors, such as too high a dose or use of a drug despite contraindications. However, with personalized medicine these risks are mitigated as it considers the patient’s medical and family history and the individual variability of human genomes. In fact, with Envita Health™, you get the privilege of personalized medicine experts assessing your prescriptions, and recommending drug-free alternatives, if needed for improving your overall health.

Decreasing Risk of High-Cost Claims

The key to decreasing costs in healthcare is to reduce the quantity of high-cost claims, as studies show that approximately 1%–2% of members drive 30%–35% of annual claims. Envita Health™ works with multiple stakeholders in your healthcare ecosystem to prevent plan members from sliding into this group of high-risk claimants. For example, with Envita Health™, you can have access to one-on-one health coaching sessions, which may prove critical in not only preventing certain diseases, but also enhancing the efficacy of certain treatments.

Access to Advanced Preventive Care

With Envita’s personalized preventive care, you give your employees many more options beyond basic screening tests and high-tech wearables. The BioMed program gives them access to one-on-one health coaching sessions which opens the gateway to specialized tests and pharmacogenomic panels, as and when needed to prevent diseases and optimize their health. For example, members can screen for 52 different types of cancers, such as lung cancer, colon cancer, breast cancer, or prostate cancer, with just one simple blood test. With such innovative mechanisms for early identification and prevention of diseases, you are not only giving your employees the opportunity to optimize their health, but also reducing your healthcare costs significantly.

Right Drugs at the Right Time for the Right Price

With a team of clinicians, experienced in personalized precision medicine, managing your healthcare plan you are assured to have access to the right drugs at the right time, and that too at the most affordable rates. Envita’s partnership with an advanced custom-compounding pharmacy, and association with fair and transparent PBMs (Pharmacy Benefit Managers) prevents your employees from being a victim of unfair pricing in the industry.

Navigation to Quality Score Facilities

You are not alone in your healthcare journey, as Envita’s concierge care navigation team guides you to the facilities and healthcare providers with the highest quality score, which is crucial for reducing chances of disease relapse and recurrence. This detailed approach goes a long way in enhancing your employee productivity, checking absenteeism due to sick days, and decreasing overall healthcare costs. Your employees also get immediate access to doctors on the phone for virtual consultations, which may eliminate the need for certain ER (Emergency Room) visits, thus reducing your costs.

Why Personalized Medicine Is Not Covered Through Standard Insurance

The standard health insurance system has not yet developed this advanced personalized precision medicine infrastructure, which is why your employees are not able to access it yet. Additionally, the business model of the insurance industry thrives on high-cost claims, which leads to an increase in premiums every year. However, Envita’s plans are custom-designed with the aim to reduce these high-cost claims by utilizing personalized medicine for disease prevention, early identification, and proactive treatment.

Call Us Today

When you get coverage from the only healthcare plan in the country that is built by doctors, who are experts in the personalized medicine space, you are giving your employees the optimal chance of boosting their health, while reducing healthcare costs. With Envita Health™, your employees do not need to change their doctors or pharmacies, instead they just have access to increased options through the additional coverage for personalized precision medicine as well as natural and integrative care. For any queries related to your health insurance plan, please feel free to call us at 877-214-8660. May God bless you on your healthcare journey!