​Break Free From Standard Insurance Plans With Envita Health™

Your Company Deserves Precision Options

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Envita Health™ for Employers With 25 Employees or More

We give your employees a huge upgrade with a precision healthcare experience that's finally outcome driven! With Envita Health™, they will be happier and healthier, making them more likely to stay with your company for the long term. We make it simple to break free from the limitations of large insurance companies and avoid wasting time and money, with the sole focus of improving outcomes!

Envita Health™ Solutions for Employers

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The Difference is Clear! Envita Health™ Self-Funded and Level-Funded Plans vs. Standard Insurance

First Ever Nationwide Personalized & Integrative Medicine Coverage
The first ever major medical plans in the nation to offer coverage for personalized and integrative medicine, facilitated by our unique coding and billing infrastructure.
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Standard Insurance:Unchecked
Open Nationwide Network of Providers
No HMO or PPO limitations, covers the best doctors, specialists, hospitals, and facilities with over 1.2 million providers nationwide to include naturopathic, functional, integrative, preventive, primary, urgent, and conventional care.
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Standard Insurance:Unchecked
Envita Center of Excellence (COE)
State-of-the-art technology for treating cancer, autoimmune diseases, chronic Lyme disease, and other complex conditions, including minimally invasive surgical options that combine the latest in conventional and integrative medicine.
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Standard Insurance:Unchecked
Envita Personalized Concierge Care Navigation
Specialty service offering high-quality care navigation that prioritizes both quality and cost-efficiency. It is also the first nationwide program to provide personalized, integrative care navigation.
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Standard Insurance:Unchecked
Envita RX Plan
Great savings and deep-discounts on specialty drugs, generic drugs, and brand drugs, includes for the first time ever drug free options utilizing natural, alternative, and integrative medicine
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Envita 2nd Opinion
Offers telemedicine consultations for oncology and autoimmune diseases. Members can call in and speak with a doctor from the COE program to explore personalized integrative options and have a review of their current treatment program.
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Standard Insurance:Unchecked
Backed by Top Insurance Carrier
The top A+ carrier, making sure you have unparalleled support
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Standard Insurance:Unchecked

U.S. Healthcare Data

77 YearsLow life expectancy among developed countries.

The U.S. spends more on healthcare as a share of the economy — nearly twice as much as the average OECD country — yet has a lower life expectancy than the OECD average.


As your employees can now access premium healthcare services for which Fortune 500 companies hire specialized teams, your employees will feel valued as you out maneuver the competition with Envita Health!

We wanted our employees to get the highest level of care, a wide-variety of treatment options, and advanced preventive care, with the latest technology, navigation, and expansive network, so we built Envita Health™!

The Need to Change Large Insurance Providers

Employee Dissatisfaction
Our 200+ staff were unhappy with BUCA (Blue Cross, United, Cigna and Aetna) limitations, cost spikes, and a lack of access to integrative care.
Standard Insurance Problem:Unchecked
Employers’ Frustrations
We have seen employers feel helpless as they could not help their valued employees due to these BUCA limitations, which restrict access to the latest innovations in healthcare technology. 
Standard Insurance Problem:Unchecked
Our Patients' Problems
Over two decades our patients experienced similar problems with BUCA's big pharma approach, limiting access to a wider tool kit of treatments.
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Payroll Company Controls
We found that Payroll companies control these archaic BUCA plans, which are presented to us by their brokers at the last minute each year, leaving us with no option but to recycle these old plans.
Standard Insurance Problem:Unchecked
No Options to Improve Care
We researched self-funded insurance plans (where you bring insurance in-house for better control), but we noticed the same problem, because even in these plans you are basically renting BUCA networks and not improving care options.
Standard Insurance Problem:Unchecked

Envita Health™ breaks free from these limitations and finally upgrades care for our employees and others. We focus on utilizing precision technology and world-class navigation to optimize patient outcomes!

U.S. Healthcare Data

Expect 20% or Moreemployer cost increase per year.

The majority of insurance companies will be increasing rates by 20% or more.


Just like us, other employers also have a difficult time identifying the perfect solutions for better healthcare. Large insurance companies want us to believe that insurance is a complex, monolithic process, which can be provided by them alone, but this is Simply False! Their complicated processes lead to several challenges for employers.

Employers' Challenges with Healthcare

Payroll Brokered Health Insurance
As an employer or HR department, every year you are tasked with selecting a new healthcare plan for your organization, often limited by your payroll brokers selection.
Standard Insurance Problem:Unchecked
Increasing Costs
You see rising costs, often 20-30% price hike year-over-year, but no improvement in healthcare quality or outcomes for your employees. The price continues to rise, but your employees' satisfaction levels continue to decline.
Standard Insurance Problem:Unchecked
Losing Valued Contributors
Increasing price hikes drive away the young and healthy members, whose participation in the employer’s insurance plan is crucial to off-set your rising healthcare costs.
Standard Insurance Problem:Unchecked
Lack of Transparency
You cannot access the actual data on costs, leaving you frustrated with a system that does not offer desired outcomes.
Standard Insurance Problem:Unchecked
Absence of Quality
To make matters worse, large insurance companies do not have a system of quality score for physicians and neither do they provide access to Centers of Excellence (CoEs) for treatment of chronic diseases, like cancer.
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Restricted Options
They have limited codes, which do not cover advanced healthcare technologies for treatment and disease prevention.
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Lack of Coverage
They do not cover integrative medicine which provides a wide variety of options for improving patient outcomes and reducing overall healthcare costs.
Standard Insurance Problem:Unchecked

U.S. Healthcare Data

1% of Claims = 40% of Costs

1% of your company claims for cancer and chronic conditions are driving over 40% of your total overall costs year after year.


Latent Problems of Large Insurance Providers

Not Outcome-Driven
Large insurance companies focus on 3 key components to setting your premium: Risk (age and conditions of your participating employees), Claims (past payouts), and Administration (their cost to manage paying of bills) to set your pricing. Not outcomes!
Standard Insurance Problem:Unchecked
Prone to Price Increases
Large Insurance companies know that 1% of your claims for conditions like cancer, chronic disease, and expensive pharmaceuticals impact over 40% of your company's rising cost each year. Instead of helping improve these metrics, they just increase costs.
Standard Insurance Problem:Unchecked
Dominated by Big Pharma
Large insurance companies and healthcare as a whole is predominately driven by a big pharma down approach, which often restricts access to latest technology and innovations because of those limited billing codes.
Standard Insurance Problem:Unchecked
Created a Broken Healthcare System
Lack of access to precision care and personalized treatments not only lead to poor patient outcomes, but they also increase your costs in terms of wasteful expenditure, contributing to the broken healthcare system we see today.
Standard Insurance Problem:Unchecked
No Long-Term Benefits
Large insurance providers' poor navigation and limited attention to preventive care, impacts your employees' longevity and quality of life.
Standard Insurance Problem:Unchecked

By putting the focus on improving your access to the latest technologies, enhancing outcomes, and offering a precision healthcare experience, Envita Health's™ custom solutions provide employees with an opportunity to live a longer, happier, and healthier lives, resulting in cost stabilization for employers.

Visible Intelligent Solutions

You can see how we outperform Fortune 500 company programs. Join our nationwide growing community and offer a huge health upgrade to your employees!